Monday, April 28, 2008

A New Home

Ok, so it's not quite home, yet, but it's getting there. The semester ended just a little while ago and we're already starting a new term! Woot, yay for short breaks! It's actually been quite an adjustment, which I definitely did not anticipate. But things are going much better now. I've moved out of the previous apartment #22 of which many have heard stories of and now reside in the island (sounds exotic, right?) and #19. It's been great so far! I have two (soon to be three) new and wonderful roommates. It's amazing how big a difference roommates can make in your life. In my previous apartment, it was a struggle to get any kind of unity. The first couple of days I moved into this new one, Mariah (the awesome girl that she is) called me at least three times to see where I was! hehe. I love it here and it's only gonna get better as the weather gets warmer.

As for other things in my life, I'm currently planning on going on a mission and turning in my papers at the end of May!! I'm super excited and trying to get as ready as I can be! (which I'm sure my new calling will help me with--Gospel Doctrine, ah!!) All I have left on my papers is my dental stuff and then I'm done! Then it's just a waiting game... I'm also taking a couple classes this term one is an internship--basically I'm counting the time I spend on Camp Kesem for my hours for this internship. It's kinda nice getting credit for something you're already doing, right? And my other class is called Non-profit fundraising and finance. I just declared a non-profit management minor (partly because I know it will help me with Camp Kesem and partly because it makes me more marketable overall) and that class is one of the requirements. It's only got 8 people in the class, so it'll be very personable and open. (You didn't think BYU had those kinds of classes, huh?) hehe.

Another big thing I'm planning right now is a benefit concert. It's on the 17th of May and it's gonna be awesome! We're hoping to get about 200 people there and it's going to be tons of fun. It's been pretty hard planning it, but I really feel I've grown a lot in my people skills and in my ability to prioritize and get things done. I think Camp Kesem has really helped me to become a whole new person. It's crazy what a little leadership can do to you!

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