Friday, June 18, 2010

Coming Home--Bem Vinda ao EUA!!!

 Well, the day has finally arrived! After 18 months of the best time for my life in the best place in the world (Missao Brasil Ribeirao Preto) I arrived in the states, April 29, 2010.

It was a great 11 hour flight from Sao Paulo to Texas (and when I say great I mean, squishy, uncomfortable and super long). There´s nothing like a slightly tilted back plane seat meant to be comfortable enough to sleep for a few hours.

The craziest thing was when we arrived in the states...kinda crazy because it had been sooo long since we had heard people in a public place speaking English. Was this a dream? More like a nightmare...where was my beloved Portuguese??

When we arrived in Salt Lake as you can see we were pretty nervous to see our families. Walking through the terminal and bam there was our ....or wait...families? Where were my parents? I mean c´mon...we kid that I am the forgotten child, but really do we have to go to such extremes? Where´s the fun in this? haha So I stuck around with the elder and his family and tried not to act too awkward and soon enough my poor family arrived! haha was a hard time I gave them!

The adjustment to being back at home has not been an easy one (as anyone who has gone on a mission can very well tell you). It´s almost like being born again lol, having to relearn it all over again...what was it that I learned in college? how does this whole dating thing work? what are the cool things these days? When did this store get here? When did that rule change?.... There´s a lot to get used to...I think it´s gonna take me a while, but that´s alright...I know that the Lord has my best interest at heart and will help and guide me along my way.

1 comment:

Daniel Denney said...
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