Friday, June 20, 2008

Climbing of the Rock Nature

Rockclimbing! I love it! And I've had such a good time this summer going with a few of my friends--who so graciously let us use all their gear. I, oddly enough, have my own shoes which I actually got for only $1! If you know how much climbing shoes are regularly you know what a sweet deal that is!
So, we've mostly gone up rock canyon this summer and have done climbs like the green monster. I was so proud of myself this last time, after lifting consistantly for a few weeks, the climbs were MUCH easier! Woot! What a fun time! One of the funnest, though toughest climbs I did was where you basically had to climb up a huge crack in the wall! Woah! You basically just have to learn how to get yourself scratched up and twisted! haha fun in the end though!

These pics are of me, Doug (my second cousin once removed who I randomly met in my current ward--didn't even know we were related until then) and my friend Jillian. She's super awesome and this was her first time! She did a level 5.7, I think, she was amazing! Yay for first-timers!

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